Soon the cold chill of winter will be upon us. Luckily, Turks and Caicos is waiting for you, basking in the sun and floating on an impossible azure Caribbean Sea.
While many of us are content to escape the snow and ice by relaxing on the toasty white sands of Grace Bay beach, if you are in search of adventure this winter here are 3 activities in Turks and Caicos just for you:
Get Out on the Water With Friends and Family With Talbots
Based right here on Providenciales, Talbot’s Adventures organizes fishing charters, boating excursions and tours for individuals and groups.
If you’re planning a family reunion or a weekend away with friends, Talbots can come up with the perfect excursion that will create lasting memories.
Whether you’re interested in fishing, snorkeling or just cruising the Caicos cays, and stopping for a beach barbecue, Talbots has a trip planned just for you.
Create Your Own Caribbean Adventure With High Waves Tours
Locally owned and operated, High Wave Tours offers a unique way to experience the unearthly turquoise waters of the Turks and Caicos: by power catamaran
Pilot your own luxurious two-seater catamaran and zip along the countess cays and waterways of Leeward (the northeast corner of Providenciales). Besides providing a memorable adventure, High Waves gives visitors a chance to learn about the history of the Turks and Caicos, all the while cruising along the some of the most spectacular white-sand beaches in the world.
Full moon brings its own special personality to the islands and reefs of the Turks and Caicos. If you’re in the islands at this time then this is a special way to enjoy the tropical water under the light of the moon.
Stand on a board or sit in a kayak. Either way is fine with us. With the moon overhead, paddling across the water is often like seeing in sepia tones. You’ll be stunned how bright the moon is and how much you can see.
View our special rates and flexible cancellation policy! We also offer special long-term rates if you’re seeking a blissful island getaway for two weeks or longer.